Oct 12, 2014
Big Print Project 2014
Big Print Project , August 2 – 4, 2014
Sat , Sun and Mon 11-5 pm.
Location: parking lot opposite 1370 Cartwright St.
Granvi lle Island, Canada
Vancouver’s first Big Print Project was a visually striking printmaking event on a large scale,
drawing attention to the potential of large-scalewood-relief prints with a steamroller!
It brought together a group of well-known artists in creating and printing
a suite of woodcuts. Artists: Susan Point, Michael Abraham, Arnold Shives, Jerry
and Jeremi Whitehead, Cody Lecoy, Gerald Pedros, Peter Kiss, Cheryl
Hamilton, So Sunny Park, Richard Tetrault, and Betsabee Romero.
As a public event, Big Print Project culminated in a weekend of printmaking,
incorporating an unusual press - a full size steamroller- in the print process. On
the BC Day weekend Aug 2 – 4, 2014, the artists’ 4’ X 8’ blocks were printed in a limited
edition of four, with materials including archival inks on hemp/ cotton cloth. The
completed prints were displayed temporarily on site in a festive Granville Island
atmosphere. Keep posted to the New Leaf Editions website for details.
Project organizers are Society for Contemporary Works on Paper, New Leaf Creative
Solutions, and Creative Cultural Collaborations Society.
Sponsors: Elgin Contracting, Urban Aboriginal Fair Trade Gallery, CMHC, Windsor Plywood and Cat Rentals.
1370 Cartwright St, Granville Island
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Watch the fabulous video by Max Bentsianov on YouTube;